Should I move to Melbourne, FL?

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Parkway Place
Parkway Place is in the heart of Melbourne and close to the beaches.
Moving to Melbourne, Florida (Brevard County) is a great problem to have.  Work wise, it's good for engineers (mechanical and elelctircal) with the space industry, aeronautical, industry, government/military industry, and boating industry.  You don't have to be an engineer to find a good job in those industries.  There are also many other good industries in the Brevard area; hospitality, real estate, educational, and healthcare to name a few.  For higher education, you can attend Brevard Community College, Florida Institue of Technology (also known as Florida Tech), and Phoenix East.  And the the apartment living choices are plentiful; wether you want a luxury apartment in Melbourne on the beach, near the beach, or inland.  The same can be said of cheap apartments in Melbourne, Florida.  For things to do, I don't have all day to list them for you; but you can go to the beach, the zoo, the Banana river, Mosquito lagoon, KSC, the mall, the fleamarket, the pier, the go cart tracks, golfing, boating, fishing, hunting, treasure hunting, and a thousand other things.  Your question shouldn't be should I move, but when am I moving?
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