Do apartments in Melbourne allow overnight guests?

If you moved to Florida from a northern state on your own, chances are your family is going to want to come and visit you, especially during the holidays! Who wouldn't want to come to Melbourne, Florida, a beach town, in the middle of the winter where it's typically 60 degrees and warmer when it's 30 degrees and below up north? The holidays can be a stressful time not only from all of the family and friends coming into town, but also the traffic, parties, dinners, cooking and baking to do etc. On top of all that, you've got to buy presents and decorate! Usually unless you live in an age-restricted community, like a retirement facility, student housing, or a 55 and older community, you can have overnight guests. If it's going to be more than just a couple nights, you may want to check your lease or with the leasing agents at the community office. Most leases indicate how many nights guests are allowed to stay before they must be listed on the lease. Let's first focus on finding you a new home in Melbourne, then we can talk more about what communities offer for guests or how to handle having guests visit.

To find your apartment Melbourne take advantage of our easy apartment search guide on in Melbourne to help limit the list of options by selecting communities and units that have what you want and need. To begin your search, first click on where it says “Find Your Apartment” and then down on the left-hand side you'll see the different criteria. Once you make your selections, in Melbourne will automatically limit the options to the apartments in Melbourne that have what you desire. Some examples of different categories where residents may have preferences are: rental rates, number of bedrooms, or certain community or unit amenities.

As soon as you've finished your search, in Melbourne will deliver the options for your apartment in Melbourne. Take a look at the choices and see where they're located in Melbourne, what they offer, what they charge for rent, and what other community amenities they offer to you and your family, if you have one. Pick the apartment or apartments in Melbourne that you think looks best on our site and contact them to find out more information or schedule a tour of the property and their model unit to gain additional information. This would also be a great time to follow-up with those communities you prefer about their policies on guests. Additionally, you could inquire to see if they offer furnished guest units that you can reserve much like a hotel room. They are usually more expensive, but they are fully furnished and offer a lot of the luxuries of home. On top of all of that, they are just minutes from your place and your guests don't even need to drive. This is a great option if you only have a studio or 1-bedroom apartment where space is limited. If the community of your choosing doesn't offer guest apartment, you can also inquire from your leasing agent if they have any special deals with the local hotels. If they do, they may be able to get your guests a discounted rate on their hotel stay as well. Once you've gotten all your questions answered, you can then pick your new home and start spending more time with family and friends!


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