Don't forget to change your address! You risk missing important bills or paper work that could cost you money. The post office advises changing your address a few days before moving to ensure you receive all your mail.
The simplest way to change your address with the post office is by filing an address change form online at . The post office will charge your bank account $1 ensure your information is correct. Or, if you prefer, go to the post office in person to file the paper work. This will ensure you receive mail sent to your old address for up to a year after you move. Do keep in mind that the post office will only forward your mail for 1 year, after that time any p>mail sent to your old address will be delivered there.
You will also need to change your permanent address with each financial institution you do business with. This can often be done on line, or you can call the customer service phone number. Use the following check list to make sure you don't forget to inform everyone of your new address.
After getting settled in to your new apartment, you need to change your driver's license address. The state of Florida usually requires you to order a new ID within 30 days of changing addresses. You can visit the DMV in person, but it can also be done online.
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